About our Governing Body
King Solomon High School is a voluntary aided comprehensive school whose Foundation Body (the United Synagogue) appoints the majority of the governors and determines the ethos of the school. As a modern orthodox Jewish school, we are able to use faith criteria in prioritising pupils for admission (subject to the National Admission’s code). However, we welcome students from all other faiths.
As a Voluntary Aided school, we remain largely (but not exclusively) state-funded and follow the national curriculum. We have developed our curriculum to provide high quality education within a learning environment based on distinct British and Jewish values.
Our Governing Body is made up of 16 governors under 5 categories as follows:
1 Staff Governor – elected by the school’s staff
1 Headteacher – automatic member (ex-officio)
9 Foundation Governors – appointed by the United Synagogue
1 Local Authority Governor – appointed by the governing body, recommended by Redbridge Council
2 Parent Governors – elected by parents
2 Co-opted Governors – co-opted by the governing body to fulfil a specific role or purpose.
Please see the ‘Meet our Governors’ document for more information about our Governors.
We currently have 4 foundation governor vacancies, 1 parent governor vacancy and 1 staff governor vacancy These are in the process of being appointed to.
Core Roles of the Governing Body
Our governors provide strategic leadership and accountability with a collective responsibility to:
- set the strategic direction, vision and ethos of the school;
- monitor and challenge the progress of the school in achieving its priorities;
- recruit and performance manage the headteacher;
- exercise employer responsibility for all staff;
- ensure the school meets its statutory responsibilities;
- ensure financial probity;
- ensure the premises are well managed; and
- report to the school’s stakeholders.
Meetings and structure
Governors recently decided to reduce the number of committees and increase the number of full governing body meetings to allow a greater focus on strategic priorities and to increase efficiency and impact. The whole Governing Body meets every half term. Extra-ordinary meetings are convened when required. School improvement is discussed at every meeting. There is a detailed work plan in place for 2024/25.
Governors have developed a 3-year Strategic Plan for the school and this helps governors ensure:
- the school’s operational plans align with the strategy
- performance management is linked to strategic priorities
- budget setting and staffing structure is aligned to strategic priorities
Governing Body agendas (focus of meetings) and governor visits to align with strategic priorities.
The Resources Committee meets on a termly basis or more often if required. The Pay Committee meets annually or as required. The governing body has a number of statutory committees as follows:
- Pupil Discipline Committee
- Complaints Review Committee.
- Committees to discuss staffing issues (e.g. disciplinary, capability, Grievance, flexible working requests)
- Appeals Committee
All non-staff governors are appointed to serve on the above committees and are selected on the basis of suitability (no conflict of interest) and availability.
Each Committee has terms of reference which determine its remit and delegated power.
As well as attending meetings, all governors are required to conduct monitoring on a termly basis. Each governor has been assigned a specific role which enables the governing body to carry out its core functions. Please see the ‘meet our governors’ document for information about link governor responsibilities. Through a combination of attending meetings and conducting monitoring visits, governors develop an understanding of the score (the data, the staff, the parents, the students and the community) which is crucial for effective decision making.
Please see the attendance summary for 2023/24.
Commitment to Reviewing the Quality of Governance
Governors are committed to an annual review of governance which reviews the following 6 features of effective governance:
- Strategic leadership that sets and champions vision, ethos and strategy
- Accountability that drives up educational standards and financial performance
- People with the right skills, experience, qualities, attitudes, behaviour and capacity
- Structures that reinforce clearly defined roles and responsibilities
- Compliance with statutory and contractual requirements
6. Evaluation to monitor and improve the quality and impact of governance
Ethical & Accountable Governance
Governing boards must act in the best interests of children and young people. As guardians of the school’s ethos, they must be willing to challenge any unethical behaviours or decisions. Governors also need to be committed to asking school leaders challenging questions in the interests of the children and young people.
Every Governor is required to sign up to the Code of Conduct on an annual basis. Please see the Code of Conduct document for more details.
Commitment to Safeguarding
At KSHS, safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. The Governing has overall responsibility for safeguarding and takes this responsibility very seriously. All Governors have undertaken safeguarding training to ensure there is a whole school approach to safeguarding. The Safeguarding Link Governor carries out a range of checks, not least to assure the governing body that staff members are compliant with the requirements set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education.
All governors are appointed in line with safeguarding requirements and suitability checks. All governors must declare any pecuniary or business interests. Please see the ‘summary of declarations’ document for more information.
All governors are required to attend training sessions, so they are well informed about the school and about their roles as governors.
Skills Audits
To ensure we have a diverse range of skills, knowledge and experience within our Governing Body, Governors are required to complete a skills audit on a regular basis. Any gaps are used for recruitment, succession planning and training purposes.
Complaints, in the first instance, should be referred to the Headteacher. Matters which remain unresolved will then be referred to the Chair of Governors.
Name and address of the Chair of the Governing Body
Ms Katie Rose
Chair of Governors
King Solomon High School
Forest Road
Name and address of the Governance Professional
Ms Frankie Chissim
Governance Professional
King Solomon High School
Forest Road