Information Technology
The intent for IT curriculum is to inspire students to build confidence and competence in key skills and knowledge with accessible learning material and resources. The aim of the curriculum is to give students equal opportunities to learn skills that are relevant to IT.
Starting IT studies at King Solomon is an exciting time for students, as the national curriculum we follow from OCR Cambridge Nationals has been updated and modernised to provide an even more stimulating and inspiring experience. Students now study the vital concept of HCI; Human Computer Interaction, and how this system is evolving and adapting as our needs and requirements of computers changes. Students also spend a large part of the course learning about augmented reality; a relatively new IT phenomenon that is taking hold in the industry.
Due to students learning both an IT and Computer Science route in KS3, all students who pick Information Technology as a GCSE option can access the curriculum at KS4. Universal learning takes a prominent role in the teaching of the course, ensuring any gaps in learning are filled and barriers to understanding are removed.
By following the full national curriculum, students not only learn new topics each week, but have time to recap, recall and build on their prior knowledge. This ensures that all students access the inspiring curriculum, and all gaps in knowledge and quickly filled. By using both formative assessment and low-stakes assessment, students will get regular feedback on how to improve their understanding.
Collaborative working is always a feature in Information Technology, as both paired work and group work is encouraged to help learn (and teach) the many elements of the course.