Jewish Studies
Torah, Avodah and Gemilut Chassadim (learning, charity and community) are the pillars upon which our school stands; our curriculum puts these values at the heart of all formal and informal learning opportunities.
Jewish students can learn about and practice their religion in safety and with confidence; those of other faiths can learn about Judaism, whilst feeling secure in the practice of their own faith and expression of their identity. We believe that in Modern Britain it is essential that students learn about the diverse range of cultures, religions, and identities that make up the school and wider communities; so, we have created a curriculum that supports this through all key stages. The curriculum fosters respect, tolerance and understanding in an open learning environment; teachers are role models for these values. Our curriculum boldly asks big personal and ethical questions facing young people and society today and explores the role of faith in tackling and finding answers to these questions. Above all, we aim to create confident, informed, enlightened, caring and concerned citizens of the future.