The PSHE Education Programme of Study at King Solomon High School (KS3, KS4 and KS5) explores the three core themes of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World, meeting the required guidance. In addition, King Solomon provides a broader PSHE programme which also covers education for personal safety, including assessing and managing risk which provides KS students with a programme matched to their needs. It further covers the breadth of PSHE from relationships and sex education (RSE) and health to economic wellbeing and careers, setting out suggested content for each Key Stage.
The Programme of Study sets out learning opportunities for each Key Stage, in each core theme, organised under subheadings with addition to others. These learning opportunities are used flexibly according to pupils’ development, readiness, and needs, and considering prior learning, experience and understanding. Learning from one area may be related and relevant to others. Whilst the PSHE framework distinguishes three separate core themes, there will be extensive overlap, and additional themes added for specific year groups, therefore the King Solomon High School curriculum draws from more than one theme. Similarly, whilst they are specifically addressed where appropriate, assessing and managing risk and managing life online are integrated throughout all themes. PSHE education addresses both pupils’ current experiences and preparation for their future. The Programme of Study therefore provides a spiral curriculum to develop knowledge, skills and attributes, where prior learning is revisited, reinforced and extended year on year.
With the Relationships, Sex and Health Education elements of PSHE being made compulsory in all schools from September 2020, the Programme of Study has been fully updated to support King Solomon High School for the statutory changes. The Department for Education’s statutory guidance for Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), and Health Education, set out what King Solomon High School must cover in its secondary phase from September 2021; therefore this Programme of Study provides a comprehensive programme for each Key Stage, that fully covers, but is not limited to the statutory requirements.