In line with the National Curriculum, we ensure that students can:
- Build on the foundations of language learning laid at KS2.
- Understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources.
- Speak with confidence, fluency, and spontaneity; improve pronunciation and intonation.
- Write for different purposes and audiences, using a variety of grammatical structures.
- Develop an appreciation of a range of authentic material.
Alongside the school and National Curriculum aims, we have designed our curriculum to:
- Always maintain high expectations by ensuring that teaching is inspiring and meets the needs of all students.
- Prepare students for a life beyond the classroom by equipping them with important soft skills such as resilience, leadership in teamwork, problem solving and public speaking.
- Be accessible to all students following the principles of Universal Learning, regardless of prior learning, individual needs or economic background.
- Ensure students engage in activities that celebrate diversity and are exposed to cultural and collaborative opportunities.
- Be sequenced logically to recap, recall and build on prior knowledge.