Key Stage Three – The Lower School
The aim of key stage three is to ensure that all learners are exposed to a wide variety of curriculum opportunities and are properly prepared to take the next steps of their education when they embark on the key stage four studies. Students then select their options in year 8 and begin the study or preparation for the study of their GCSE courses in year 9. The lower school uses skills grids to ensure that students have the required skills in literacy, numeracy and subject specific skills. It also aims to ensure that all students are able to learn about and explore their identity and context as well as how to keep themselves safe and healthy.
We aim to ensure Jewish students are able to learn about and practice their religion in safety and confidence whether in a formal learning environment or through our Kehila department and to ensure that non-Jewish students feel valued and also able to practice their religion and explore their own identity and culture in confidence and safety. All students study Jewish Studies, this enables Jewish students to explore more fully their identity, history and culture but also allows non-Jewish students the opportunity to think about their own religious ideas and to focus on the elements of religion and culture that unite us rather than focusing on difference and division. Students with previous Jewish experience are required to study Ivrit as a modern language in order to enhance their understanding of Torah and Judaism, some of the other students study French as a second modern language to Spanish.
All students in years 7 & 8 study a full range of subjects which includes Maths, English, Science, Jewish Studies, History, Geography, Spanish (plus French or Ivrit as above), Physical Education, Music, Drama and Art. In the Enterprise and Creative Technologies Department we aim to give students a taste of a large range of technologies and these include Computing, Food Technology, Design Technology, Resistant Materials and Electronic Systems and Control.